
The Barnby Choir, based in Wilmslow, Cheshire, has approximately 60 members of all ages and from all walks of life. We share a love of choral music and a desire to produce exciting performances to a high standard. Our repertoire includes major sacred and secular choral works as well as more unusual music, both traditional and modern.

We meet for rehearsals on Tuesday evenings from September to May, and put on three or four concerts a year, frequently with professional soloists and instrumentalists. Rehearsals are held from 8-9.45pm at
Wilmslow Methodist Church, Kings Close, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AR

We are always pleased to receive applications from prospective members in all sections of the choir (soprano, alto, tenor and bass), and we are currently keen to expand our numbers for what promises to be an enjoyable year both musically and socially.

We offer FREE MEMBERSHIP to students and reduced fees are available for the under-25s. Any singers wishing to join us will be most welcome at rehearsal any Tuesday evening. If you are interested in joining us, or further information please contact the Choir Secretary on 0161 485 1659, or email us using the form below.

Latest news

The programme for this year’s Singing Day has been announced. Please click on the Singing Day tab from the menu for more information. The application form is also located in the Singing Day area.

The Barnby Choir will perform Brahms’ Requiem at the next concert on 16th March 2025. Considered by many to be one of the finest works in choral repertoire, the requiem will be accompanied by the musicians of Musica Nova.
If you are interested in singing this wonderful piece, please come along to the first rehearsal on Tuesday, 7th January 2025 or contact the choir via the ‘Join Us’ tab.

See The Barnby Choir on Facebook

Support Us

After almost 80 years of successful music-making, The Barnby Choir continues to thrive and has exciting plans for the coming seasons. To help realise these plans, we are developing a number of fund-raising schemes, among them the ‘Friends of the Barnby Choir’, through which members of our choir and audience can be more involved in securing the Choir’s future. For further information on how to become a Friend of the Barnby Choir, please visit our new Support Us page,

Lloyd Buck conducting