Alderley Edge Festival Hall

Alderley Edge Festival Hall


Alderley Edge’s recently refurbished Festival Hall is situated at the junction of Talbot Road and Stamford Road in the heart of‭ ‬the village‭, ‬at post code SK9‭ ‬7HR‭. ‬There is limited free car parking available to the rear of the Hall‭, ‬and kerbside in the surrounding streets‭ (‬though some of this is for residents only until 8‭‬pm‭). ‬There is also a Pay‭ ‬&‭ ‬Display car park outside Waitrose‭ ‬on the main thoroughfare‭ (‬London Road‭) ‬through Alderley Edge Village‭, ‬about 5‭ ‬minutes‭’ ‬walk from the Hall‭. ‬To find the Hall from‭ ‬Waitrose car park‭, ‬cross the London Road and turn into Davey Lane just south of the bridge over the railway line‭. ‬Bear immediately right into Trafford Road‭, ‬then first left into Stamford Road‭. ‬The Hall lies directly ahead‭.

Visit the Alderley Edge Festival Hall website

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Rehearsals take place every Tuesday evening between September and May, from 8.00 to 10.00 pm at Wilmslow Methodist Church, Kings Close, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AR. For more information about joining the choir, please click here

Barnby Choir

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