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Christmas concert 2022

Join our Singing Day

Our annual Singing Day is usually held in February and we welcome any interested singers to join in a day of rehearsal and performance of short choral pieces. The event is well received and thoroughly enjoyable. Details of the Singing Day 2026 will be published later this year.

Join our Friends

‘Friends of the Barnby Choir’ enables members of our choir and audience to become more involved in securing the Choir’s future. In return for their support, Friends are offered a number of benefits:

Silver membership
(contribution of £30 to £69)
• Named listing in the year’s programmes (if desired)
• Ability to book reserved seats for yourself and guests
• Free programme for each concert during the year

Gold membership
(contribution of £70 or more)
• As Silver, plus
• A glass of wine or fruit juice in the interval for you (and a guest) at each concert during the year

Membership is for a year, with members able to renew annually as they wish. If you would be interested in becoming a Friend of The Barnby Choir, please contact our Secretary, Carol Leather on 0161 485 1659, or download an application form here.


Rehearsals take place every Tuesday evening between September and May, from 8.00 to 10.00 pm at Wilmslow Methodist Church, Kings Close, Water Lane, Wilmslow SK9 5AR. For more information about joining the choir, please click here

Barnby Choir

Looking back…

To read about our concerts, singing days, social events and other aspects of Barnby life in the past few years, please click here